Our approach

Our approach Image

“Wellbeing is about your health, happiness, opportunities and your overall quality of life”

Our service aims to empower you to tell us what’s important to you and to support you to make choices that will benefit you and your life.

One-to-one support
Our Health Trainers will work with you over eight sessions to set a health plan, which will include small achievable goals that you would like to achieve. The one to one sessions typically last for one hour and is time for you to focus on yourself and what support you would like from the service:

Group Support
Our Wellbeing Development Officers will work with you in a friendly group session, which typically lasts for one hour- in order to:

Meet the team

Health Trainer

Working with a client on a one-to-one basis for eight sessions Health Trainers take a client based approach. They work with clients who are 16 years+ to set a personal health plan to improve their health. Support includes:

  • Eating healthier/ lose weight/ gain weight
  • Become more active
  • Stopping Smoking
  • Educate you in alcohol and drug awareness
  • Access services in your local community.

Wellbeing Development Officer

The Wellbeing Development Officers will work with you in a friendly group session, which typically lasts for one hour, in order to:

  • Help you with healthy eating and practical cooking skills
  • Become more active through a variety of physical activity opportunities that suit all levels of fitness and abilities
  • Improve your mental wellbeing.

Community Development Workers

Based in and around your local community Development Workers will:

  • Help you to know what is available in your local area, so you can access those groups and services
  • Guide you to local services and activities based on what you want and need support with
  • Support you if you are not quite ready to go into existing services and activities until you are ready
  • Support community groups to form and develop so they can set up their own activities based upon what local people want.

Volunteer & Skills Coordinator

Our Coordinators work in your local community to recruit, train and supervise volunteers. Would you like to be a volunteer? Wellbeing for Life has two types of volunteering opportunities:

Community Health Champions
Community Health Champions are people who are local and can commit to at least 2 hours of volunteering per week. Following a period of training and support, Community Health Champions will voluntarily transform the health and wellbeing of people in their communities. Community Health Champions are mentored by a paid member of staff within the wellbeing for life service and have access to a wide range of training and personal development opportunities. Within their role, Community Health Champions will support and motivate people to get involved in healthy social activities, create groups to meet local needs and help local people to access services in their local community.

Community Volunteers
Community Volunteers are local people who cannot dedicate a specific amount of time each week, however would like to volunteers as and when they can. Community volunteers may open and close the local community centre before and after activities or make cups of tea for the local dominos group, they may even want to go along and socialise with groups before and after activities- no volunteering opportunity is too little…….. it all makes a big impact.